visual arts

Project Coordinator's Statement

October in the Bay Area – if we’re not in the World Series on one side of the bay or the other, the arts take center stage. And so it has been in Emeryville for the past 29th years.

This year’s exhibition presents the work of 107 artists living or working in our city and, with just over 25% of them new to the exhibition, it’s encouraging to know that whether living or working here, art continues to “draw” new members to our community.

Many elements contribute to the success of the show: the continued support of the City of Emeryville, our generous business leaders, a dedicated Board and Advisory Committee, over 100 volunteers and our remarkable artist community. Too many to thank everyone here but several receive my gratitude for the energy and skills they have brought to this year’s planning. Laura Anderson has ably taken the reins of our opening night reception but, as if that was not enough, she also scouted out and secured our venue for this year’s show - always an enormous challenge each year. On her team, committee members Lauren Merker, Jean Goldman, Albert Repola, along with Shane Clabaugh, continue to refine this event. Volunteer Coordinators Pam Mendelsohn and Frances Gaston juggle the details to keep the month-long show running smoothly. Linda Boyd handles all things digital for the organization from the website to innumerable ways behind the scenes. Kava Massih and Gwen Souza always find their niche and do so with enthusiasm.

Thank you also to our jurors Joe McDonald of IceHouse Gallery and Amina Yee with the Oakland Museum of California who took several days out of their busy summer to visit artist studios selecting artists and work for the exhibition. Our curator, Kathleen Hanna, who has now woven these almost 150 diverse artworks into a cohesive whole, joined them in their deliberations. Kathleen’s eye and sensibilities are a joy to experience. We are so fortunate to have her working with us. Publicist Genevieve Antaky continues to refine our message and our presence in the Bay Area while graphic designer Suzanne Anderson boldly accomplishes the same with color and line. Thank you to all of you!

Thank you to Preston Thomas, Rodney Hoewt and Luis Pantoja, Jr. with Grifols Diagnostic Solutions Inc. You have each been incredibly helpful and responsive in making us welcome on your campus this fall. With the City of Emeryville, a thank you to Kivu Jamal Hudson and his public works crew and Amber Evans with the city’s Public Art Program.

And lastly, a few farewells - to Amy Bucci and Paul Camardo who have offered us a meeting site for decades. We will miss you and your hospitality and wish you the best as you shutter Bucci’s and contemplate your next (ad)venture. 2015 brought the loss of artists Jerry Carniglia (1946-2015) and Jeremy Hamm (1946-2015) both bringing their unique creative spirits to each day in Emeryville. And to Jim Golden (1932-2015), to whom we dedicate this year’s exhibition, a volunteer for the show for almost 30 years!

As our Annual Exhibition approaches closing out a third decade, enjoy the opening party this year but come back again to experience what our artists have to offer with the knowledge that our community is rich in creativity and generosity of both spirit and means for the arts.

Sharon Wilchar





P. O. Box 8126, Emeryville, CA 94662 | (510) 652-6122 |
© 2015 Emeryville Celebration of the Arts All rights reserved. No images may be reproduced without written permission from the artist.