©2009 Emeryville Celebration of the Arts, Inc.
Ruth Gilmore
“Water Rainbow”
photograph, 2003 |
 Jeffrey Glossip
“Anchor VII (You Would Too)”
54˝x68˝, 2009 |
 Nick Gomez
“Emeryville Haiku: One”
photography installation, 2009 |
 Cie Goulet
“Harvest Fields”
34˝x44˝, oil on paper,
2008 |
 Susie Grant
“Cross Polinization”
6˝x6˝, pinned
collage: 1950s encyclopedic illustrations, 2009 |
 Susie Grant
“Tiny Patterns”
6˝x6˝, pinned collage:
1970s dress patterns, 2009 |
 Susie Grant
6˝x6˝, pinned collage:
1950s encyclopedic illustrations, 2099 |
 Kim Harrington
“Rhubarb Nr. Four”
photograph, 2009 |
 Carl Hoard II
“Balancing Act, Joshua Tree N.P,
28˝x39˝, digital photograph, 2009 |
 Ann Holsberry
“No. 7”
14˝x11˝x1˝, oil and wax on
wood, 2009 |
 Archana Horsting
40˝x64˝, oil stick
on paper, 2007 |
 Dean Hunsaker
“Voyage: View from Montmartre”
12˝x20˝, acrylic on mahogany panel, 2009 |
 Lisa Jacobs
“Samuraiís Dream
with Flower Motif
Holey Dome”
3-1/2˝x7˝x7˝, raku fired stoneware with lamp electrical fixture,
2008 |
 Harley Jensen
“At the Museum”
20˝x16˝, Photograph,
2006 |
 Victoria Jew
26˝x20˝, acrylic on yupo,
2009 |
 Dale Johnson
“East Bay”
12˝x24˝, acrylic on
canvas, 2008 |
 Christopher Kansy
“Amber Abstract”
48˝x60˝, oil on
canvas, 2007 |
 Jerry Kapler
20˝x40˝, inkjet on hanemahle,
2008 |
 Tess Kavanagh
42˝x58˝, oil on paper,
2009 |
John Kearns
“Rug Trap”
11˝x8 1/2˝, pencil on
paper, 2008 |
 Candace Kling
“Candy Sampler: Sweet Ecstasy”
1/4˝x11˝x11˝, textile, mixed media, 2007 |
 Therese Lahaie
“Tail Wagging Dance”
1/8˝, glass, wood, glue, gesso, paint, 2009 |
 Kate Leffler
16˝x20˝, oil on canvas,
2009 |
Stephen Lefkovits
“Hanalei Bay II”
24˝x16˝, Light
Jet print, 2006 |
 John W. Lund
16˝x20˝, Ultrachrome Ink
Jet print, 2009 |
 Jeff Margolin
“Dyptich B”
28˝x28˝x4˝, ceramic,
2008 |
 Kay Marshall
30˝x30˝x2˝, acrylic, mixed
media on canvas, 2009 |
 Diana Marto
“Locus Magiquorum”
64˝x33˝x7˝, cast
artist made paper formed by the wind & a tree from kozo, abaca, &
cotton fibers with Big Sur Kelp, pigments, mica & amethyst, 2004-2006 |
 Bonnie Marzlak
“Swimming the Changing Waters”
26˝x20˝, watercolor, ink on paper, 2008 |
 Lenore McDonald
“Floating World”
36˝x42˝, oil on
textured panel, 2005 |
 Pam Mendelsohn
“Reflection: Museum of Modern Art,
New York”
14˝x18˝, digital color photograph of a reflection, 2009 |
 Mary Ann Merker
“Inside Nest”
12.25˝x9˝, color
pencil and gouache on photo paper, 2009 |
 Michael Murphy
“Haiku 4”
48˝x36˝, acrylic on
canvas, 2009 |